ZEN jibun sodate

#e25 The previous life and the next world

Life is a series of births and reincarnations

There is no need to ask a weasel or fortune teller about one’s previous or next world.
If you look over your present life, that is, your own life, everything is summed up.

Do humans have reincarnation or not?

Whether or not humans have reincarnation is a question that cannot be scientifically proven and depends largely on religion, philosophy, and personal beliefs.

However, circulation as a substance certainly exists.

The elements that make up our bodies are replaced on a cycle of about seven years.
And one day they will be part of the universe again.

Modern science understands this process of physical bodies decomposing and returning to the natural world, but the reincarnation of the mind and soul is treated as beyond the scientific realm.

And ideas about the reincarnation and circulation of the mind and soul can vary greatly in interpretation depending on the individual’s introspection and relationship to the external world.

In other words, religions, cultures, philosophies, and education have very different views of life and death.

So we are free to interpret reincarnation as we wish.
The view of life and death I speak of here is only my personal opinion.
It is better to think of the concept of reincarnation as existing so that one does not have to lead a hopeless life.

Simply put, people who have plans for tomorrow do not drink heavily or stay up late.
They try to get enough sleep to prepare for tomorrow’s schedule.
But what if you have no plans for tomorrow?

They might stay up late or drink too much.
Life is an accumulation of how we spend one day.
Saying you have plans for tomorrow is like thinking there is a NEXT WORLD.
You will surely stop spending your time in self-abandonment.

Thus, keeping reincarnation in mind is a skill for a positive life.

The mind is faster than light.

It has long been believed that the fastest form of matter is light.
However, there are actually entities that are faster than light.
Here we will focus on the following two.

  1. Expansion speed of the universe
  2. Quantum entanglement

These two entities seem to apply to human growth as well.

The first, the rate of expansion of the universe, overlaps with human material growth.
Human growth expands at a frightening rate from the union of sperm (0.06 mm) and egg (0.15 mm) to adulthood.
And if we consider our own growth path at the genetic level of our ancestors, embedded in our DNA, isn’t the speed comparable to an inflation-packed cosmic explosion (the Big Bang)?

And the second type of quantum entanglement is a quantum that moves in a completely different way, contrary to the expected result.
This quantum entanglement is like the fickle and innocent side of us, because it moves contrary to our expectations at the stage we expect it to move.

This fickle aspect is sometimes beyond your control.
We have all had the experience of regretting why we did what we did sometimes. Reflexes, on the spur of the moment.

In this light, I think it is safe to assume that something faster than light is also possessed by humans.
As an aside, the Japanese Shinkansen “Nozomi” was named for the fact that it is faster than “Hikari,” and I think this is very apt.

The physical body dies after the earth has revolved around the sun only about 100 times.
However, mental reincarnation is repeated many times in a life time of 100 revolutions of the earth, and consciousness travels in a tricky way like quantum entanglement.
That reincarnation or journey of consciousness is repeated many times in a single life.

By thinking in this way, I have come to the hypothesis that we can say that spiritual life and death are “concentrated in a single life.

We challenge ourselves in various ways, create, get inspired, open our eyes, and attain enlightenment.
Then we get there, another question arises, and we begin our journey.

Let me rephrase it.
Create, be satisfied, and then a new question arises, destroys, and builds an existence beyond.
This is the very rebirth we experience in one life.

Creation and Destruction

Spiritual rebirth, unlike a change in physical existence, refers to an individual’s inner transformation and growth.

The many events and challenges we experience in life transform us and provide us with new understandings and perspectives.
These experiences can radically change our values and outlook on life, and this process can be viewed as a spiritual rebirth.

Humans can experience many “deaths” and “rebirths” throughout their lives.
However, I believe that we are so afraid of “death” that we miss opportunities for “destruction” and “rebirth.

The most obvious example of this is the attachment to vested interests.
I am not saying it is bad, but I think it is important for us to have the skills to discover various places and ways of survival on our own.

Therefore, it will be very important to have the courage to let go more than to gain.

This is not an image of physical death, but rather the process of evolving beyond the old self into a new self.
At life milestones such as failures, heartbreak, job changes, emigration, etc., we should have the courage to let go of the old ego.
The courage to know that this will lead us to a new stage with a new self-understanding.
We start with a positive image of spiritual rebirth.

This process is often challenging and sometimes confusing and painful, but these are an essential part of growth and change.
Spiritual rebirth is through deep dialogue and reflection with oneself.

We should learn from the writings of our great predecessors and others.
Then we accept and reflect on our present selves and explore the path to our future selves.

This journey is never ending, and every moment of our lives offers opportunities for new discovery and growth.
It is a profound process that can have a positive impact not only on ourselves, but also on those around us and on society as a whole.

Our growth is part of the cosmic expansion.
The key to that growth will be hope and courage.