ZEN jibun sodate English version

#e06 The brain does not have the right to make decisions.

It seems that there are many different organs in the brain.
Here is an extreme simplification of the roles of the cerebellum, cerebrum, and pineal gland, which are broadly divided into the cerebellum, cerebrum, and pineal gland, taken from one paper.

Cerebellum and instinctive behavior

The cerebellum is primarily involved in motor control and balance coordination.
Neuroscientists have found that the cerebellum is not simply limited to movement, but also influences emotional and cognitive processes.
(Cite “Cerebellum and Emotional Behavior,” Brain Research )
For a long time, the cerebellum was thought to be primarily responsible for physical movement.
However, recent research has shown that the cerebellum also affects emotions and cognition.
In other words, our perception of things changes in accordance with the emotions we feel in the cerebellum, such as sadness, joy, and anger.

Indeed, we subconsciously know that the blue of the sky or the sea changes when we are happy or when we are in despair.
For example, we have all experienced the feeling that the sky looks even bluer and brighter at the moment when our love is accepted, and the sky looks darker after a heartbreak.

This is how people change the way they see things depending on their emotions at the time.
Moreover, the cerebellum, which reacts the fastest, is in charge of this.

The Cerebrum and Computational Thinking

The cerebral cortex is responsible for advanced thinking, conscious decision making, and problem solving,
It is believed that our conscious thinking and theoretical planning is primarily carried out in this region (cited in “Cognitive Functions of the Brain,” Brain Research”).

It has been thought that our “deep thinking” is due to this cerebrum.
When we say, “Think and act!”,We suppose it means, “Use the computational thinking of this cerebrum!

It has been believed that it is the role of this cerebrum to consider profit and loss, in other words, one’s own convenience, the other’s convenience, and to compare them.

But the truth is that the cerebrum makes decisions, and all of our actions are the result of the transmission of electrical and chemical signals between neurons.

The human brain has an estimated 100 million neurons, each with thousands of connecting lines.
So to speak, there is a huge Internet inside our bodies.
For example, your are connected to your stomach, your intestines, and your various other organs, and you react before you think by the signals your emit.

For example, let’s say you see something you once ate that gave you severe food poisoning.

Before you can remember the pain, your stomach and intestines react through visual signals and say, “Don’t eat it! That could be dangerous! Be careful!” and the signal goes out.
And you feel sick reflexively before remembering the previous food poisoning. and you said, “I felt sick because I remembered.” and you were assuming that it wss a consequence.

The cerebrum is much larger and more dominant than the cerebellum, so it takes over the outcome. It is like a bad boss or tyrant.
With food, you have time to think before you eat.
But for events that require a quicker decision, you need the quick reflex action of the cerebellum, not the cerebrum.
So the instantaneous actions of life support are mostly due to each body organ and the cerebellum.
And the cerebrum takes the leadership and foresight to act with an eye to the future.
This would be ideal.

In reality, however, we mix animal instincts with the judgment of the aggregator and act in an ad hoc manner.
As a result, we may say that we are little different from animals in nature.

Pineal gland and wide view thinking

The pineal gland often seems to be a mysterious and enigmatic organ.
So far, it is believed to be primarily involved in regulating sleep rhythms and seasonal biological rhythms.
(Cited in “Pineal Gland and Circadian Rhythms,” Journal of Pineal Research,)

The pineal gland is said to be the regulator of the body’s ability to recognize when it is morning, night, etc., and to sense the seasons, and to adjust itself to the natural cycles of life.

The pineal gland is a very profound organ, and in India it has long been said that liberating the pineal gland leads to liberation and enlightenment.
In other words, the pineal gland may play a very important role in judging things from a broad perspective and growing as a person.

Now, as mentioned above, there are three major elements in our brain: the cerebellum, the cerebrum, and the pineal gland.

In a previous blog, I described a food chain unique to human society.
The food chain in human society consists of strong people eating weak people.
This society is born from the principle of instinctive behavior of the cerebellum and the principle of computational thinking of the cerebrum, and it is like the society of slightly smarter monkeys.
Therefore, it is a microcosm of a society in which the strong overpower the weak.
This is the very composition of modern human society.

However, in order to live a better life, it may be important for us to look at the role of the “pineal gland,” which is one rank above the cerebellum and the cerebrum, instead of relying on them.
In other words, if we can develop the pineal gland’s bird’s eye view ability to harmonize with nature, we may be able to break free from animalistic instinctive thinking.
Many people are aware of the power of the pineal gland.
They may be interested in meditation and Zen to feel the great perspective.

About Man-made Disasters

Now, there is the term “man-made disaster.

We tend to think of “man-made disasters” as problems caused by humans that could have been prevented in advance.
Thus, we get angry at problems and accidents in politics and transportation, man-made disasters that seemingly could have been prevented.

There are countless man-made disasters that have occurred despite the warnings of good intellectuals in advance, but those warnings were ignored.
Nevertheless, man-made disasters continue to occur no matter how long they last.
When we consider the causes of man-made disasters, most of them are caused by irresponsible groupthink, which is created between each person’s instinctive thinking and self-centered, calculating thinking.
Some man-made disasters have developed into catastrophes due to short-term, foolish profit-and-loss thinking.

In this light, A man-made disasters are a kind of natural disaster (like the displacement of tectonic plates that causes earthquaket) caused by synchronic pressure, I can’t help but think that it is a type of natural disaster.

I feel that this is also true for us as individuals.
For example, when I act solely on the instinctive behavioral principles of my self-centered cerebellum and the calculative thinking principles of my cerebrum, disaster befalls my family and friends.

It is important to develop a bird’s-eye view that is in harmony with nature, rather than leaving it to the cerebellum and cerebrum, which usually govern physical reflexes.
This will result in getting out of the human food chain that eats the weak.
I believe that acting from a broad perspective is a step toward building a society that is further up the human food chain, a society that is a chain of hearts and minds.