ZEN jibun sodate English version

#e31 People cannot be grouped together in the same category of people.

The prehistoric people must have known by feel.
Otherwise, they would not have taken animal names or danced with all their might, expressing themselves by painting their bodies.

Nevertheless, modern people are troublesome because they lump all people together as “human beings are equal.

It is as if a lion and a zebra are living together, and yet many people seriously believe that they are equal!
How many people really think that they are equal!

To live well, it is important to be aware of this “strange construction” and to build your own place and way of life as soon as possible.

Take a good look at society.
The world from a bird’s eye view,
People like viruses,
People like mosquitoes,
like a fly,
like turtles,
like an eagle,
or like a monk, there are all kinds of human-like life forms!
Yes, to know that this world is basically a jungle and survival.

I wish I could have told this when I was much younger myself.
If I had, I wouldn’t have had to get involved in all that pettiness and stupid socializing.

But I’m glad I realized it while I was still alive and able to talk about it this way.

Never seek approval from your neighbor, partner, co-worker, or friend.
Because when the time comes for your place stage to change, you risk not being able to move on.
Also, the difference in your current status is the difference in identity itself.
It can be painful for the other person to have their ideas approved.

Just as the wise men of the past took up residence in the high mountains, those who rose to a higher level avoided people like mosquitoes and flies.

It is much more effective in life to talk with nature than to talk with people who are emotional and capricious.
It is as if we synchronize with the rotation and navigation of the earth, and it seems to improve the circulation of our souls.

Exploration of Self-Essence Leads to Ease of Living

The development of the human cerebrum, which has enabled us to calculate for survival, prepare for the future, and have a sense of anxiety, is a kind of “gift” we have received in the process of evolution.

However, one of the side effects of this evolution is the introspective quest to find the “meaning of life” as our lives become more stable and comfortable.
This is an inevitable spiritual journey in a secure and stable living environment such as ours today.

Today, we have probably shifted from a “quantity way of life” of just surviving to a “quality way of life” of asking how to live.
Who am I?
What do I want to be?

In the past, this search for meaning and purpose in life was supported by answers provided by religion.
In today’s society, however, the influence of religion is waning, and many people are having to find meaning in life on their own.

This change is especially evident in societies where longevity and security are guaranteed, and we are living in an age of self-exploration as never before.

Just as people’s genders are becoming more diverse, so too are their ideas about who they are and what they want to accomplish, and they are trying to get to a deeper layer.
This is like space travel.

It is not easy to search for one’s self-worth, one’s social role, and one’s personal fulfillment in an infinite universe.

Living as a person today is also a process of exploring and harmonizing one’s inner self and its relationship to the outside world.
Imitating the attire of someone we admire in order to find a trigger, or adopting the behavior of someone we admire, is one way to understand ourselves and explore ways to relate to others.
It is an attempt to build one’s own unique life, a journey closer to the essence of the self.

I believe that everyone’s life is different in terms of what kind of life they choose to live, and it is an individual’s free choice.

Therefore, it would be easier to live if we stop thinking of people as a group.

Humans have elements of all crestures.

If we act without using our overarching power, we act in a way that corresponds to the food chain.
In other words, man is like an animal that is bred and kept in captivity.

For example, when one considers oneself as an absolute being, one considers any other thought as disqualifying and tries to impose it on someone else.
The identity is like a virus, and it aims to multiply. (It seeks to assimilate others.)

They also try to take advantage of others and prey on people when they find an opening.(Like a predator eating a herbivore).

Thus, by reaffirming that we are animals, stepping back from our instinctive behavior, and regaining a bird’s-eye view of our thinking and behavior as human beings, we can transform ourselves and our relationships with others into something richer and more meaningful.

Knowing that everything is natural.

Inner space travel.
The human mind is as deep and mysterious as the vast universe.
We travel with our wisdom and words to try to understand a part of it.

This journey takes us to the inner universe at the same time as we explore the outer world.
With our big brains, we are prepared and anxious for survival.
It is like a dungeon inside our brains.
It sometimes torments itself.
But walking through this complex maze of the mind is a special gift we have.

In this life that is as fleeting as cherry blossoms in spring, we continue our wandering journey in search of our own meaning and purpose of existence, letting nature take its course.
It may be a lonely journey that we walk alone, but if we consider that all of nature is on the same journey, we can say that all are our friends.
Therefore, the changing seasons and the life we experience in nature are a guiding light for us and give us a deep sense of comfort and empathy.

This journey may be endless, but that in itself is the beauty of life, and the small discoveries and joys we find along the way enrich our hearts and minds.