ZEN jibun sodate English version

#e34 Cherish your dreams

By dream, we do not mean here a goal that you want to achieve.
I am referring to the dreams we unconsciously have while sleeping.

Dreams have been cherished by many civilizations and cultures.
The dream world is not bound by matter, so to speak, and is governed by the artistic right brain.

When we take action, we usually feel limited by our material thoughts.
Our imagination, which was inflated on an extraordinary scale when we were children, shrinks as we are tossed about in society, and before we know it, we find ourselves denying our own possibilities.
In the dream world, however, this is not the case.
There are no barriers of preconceived notions or common sense that we tend to create.
So sometimes we dream of fears and wish fulfillment that surprise us.

I think it is very important to have thoughts that are not tied to the substance of this dream world in order to enrich our lives.
And being aware of their importance can lead to wonderful results.

For example, I hear that historical century discoveries happen in the dream state.
I know some people think that the discovery of the century has nothing to do with me, but that is a very wasteful idea.
Because when you are aware of the dream world, you realize that you are alive during the time you are sleeping.
It is definitely a more fulfilling life to be “aware of the time you spend sleeping” than to think that “sleeping is the same as being dead.

To be aware of your dreams, you need to train yourself.
Every night before you go to bed, you must be aware of your dreams.
By doing so, you will be able to remember the dreams you see.
You will also be able to become aware of the dream and say, “Oh, I am dreaming now.
At such times, you are in a shallow sleep state, so you are not completely asleep.
However, you may be able to do unrealistic actions or come up with out-of-the-box ideas.

Dream = the original virtual space

In real, real life, you need a tatemae in order to come to terms with others and society.
It is to camouflage your true, real feelings.

What would happen if you said what you wanted to say, as much as you wanted to say it?
What would happen if you acted on your own terms?
You would probably be in trouble, no doubt.
That is why we choose to say and do things that are socially acceptable.

However, if you were to hide your true feelings from other people, and only conform to others and society, then you will get into trouble inside.
Stress and neuroses are typical examples.

In other words, we have to come to terms with both society and our inner selves.
In doing so, it is very important to be aware of the dream world we see when we sleep.

The dream world is where the daytime ego and reason are let go.
Here, repressed desires, unresolved emotions, and depth psychology take shape.
Dreams often hold the key to a deeper understanding of ourselves and are valuable as self-development skills.

In this space, free of material limitations and social norms, creativity is unleashed and ideas and solutions that would not normally be considered may come to mind. As mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon to hear stories of artists finding inspiration in dreams, in addition to stories of scientists dreaming scientific discoveries, etc.
This is because messages from the depths of the mind are carried in the neutral world, the dream world.

But that is not the only value of the dream world.
Dreams are a way to interact with our inner world.
It has the potential to access a deeper level of the psyche that we are not even aware of ourselves.

Emotions and experiences felt in dreams may reflect problems or issues that need to be addressed in the real world.
Recording and analyzing your dreams, such as by keeping a dream journal, may give you the opportunity to confront and grow within yourself.

A conscious approach to the dream world is an important step toward enriching yourself and your life in the real world.
Understanding and accepting one’s true feelings is an age that each of us must seek out on our own.

This is because we live in a diverse world today.
Dreams can be the bridge between the two.