ZEN jibun sodate English version

#e36 The history of mankind and the growth of a single human being are linked.

Consider the history of humanity.
The link between human history and personal development presents a remarkable parallel.

In the womb, we are born through a process of development that begins with cell division and traces fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Just as the developmental process in utero represents a reduced history of life’s evolution, each individual’s growth also symbolically recapitulates each stage of human evolution.
This process seems to tell us that we are deeply connected to the history of humanity.

The handling of tools by hand in childhood reflects the life of Stone Age humans, while the acquisition of language and the development of social communication symbolize the process by which humans formed organizations and societies.
Superiority at this time was almost entirely based on the power of arms.
There is no doubt that there was a time when arm strength was the difference between superiority and inferiority for mankind as well.

Then came the competitive element of brains in the form of academics.
In Japan, the age of junior high and high school students would fall into this category.

Once in college or working, labor efficiency becomes a factor, and individuals begin to pursue social value and productivity through their academic achievements and actual occupations they are involved in, and how efficiently they can make a profit becomes the criterion for human superiority.

In this respect, too, the pattern follows a similar pattern to that of human history, especially the social changes that have taken place since the Industrial Revolution.
It means that the time will come for any person to consider how he or she can efficiently utilize his or her abilities to help others.
This is because it is the food for one’s own survival.
It is as if the “era of one man’s industrial revolution” has arrived.

When the prospect of living in this way becomes a reality, we form a family.
While trying to maximize family prosperity, they also seek spiritual satisfaction as their lives become more stable.
Such family formation and individual spiritual growth seem to mimic the social stability and cultural development of humankind.

In fact, the exploration of relationships and the inner world of the individual, which becomes more important as society becomes more affluent, corresponds to the development of spiritual culture, art, and philosophy.
In each of us, through our individual stages, we naturally move toward the goal of self-actualization.

The similarity between the growth of one person and the evolution of humankind shows that something universal lies within.
The wisdom and experience acquired throughout human history can serve as a foundation for the growth and development of each of us, and can serve as a reference for shaping our future as individuals, as well as a prediction for shaping the future of humanity as a whole.

Each of us, as fragments of the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe, see, experience, feel, write, create, communicate, and transmit various things.
It is thanks to this continuous process that our cultural civilization has been built.
I can’t help but think that your and my small transmission is one of the brightnesses of this process.